Even though we are on the other side of darkness, and the sun is returning to lengthen our days and warm our hearts, February is a particularly hard month for a lot of people. Thank goodness it's only 28 days!
For most people New Years marks a time of the year for new beginnings and change, I find that February is that month for me. It is the time of year where I find solace in being alone, warm in the home. It is a time where I can go inward into my thoughts and feelings and retrospect on how my year is starting and where I am wanting to go. I check inward and take an inventory on what I am loving and what can use some updating in my world.
For myself, teaching has always been a huge passion and keeps me aligned and elated in these cold months. I love creating classes and executing them in a way that engages my students. There is such a sweet feeling when I see a "light bulb moment" happen in my class, when finally something clicks and what was once unknown is now familiar. This sparks joy for me.
It is so great to check inward and re connect with our passions, to what "sparks joy" in our lives. What a great time of year to do that, when the cold compels us to retract inward, because before we know it the Summer heat will be upon us drawing us out into our busy, long days of fun.