Got a burning question?
Check out some of these frequently asked questions to see if we can help you get your answer.
How can I contact you?
For inquiries please call Krista at 587-338-1177, or email at holaholaspanishclass@gmail.com
Where are the classes located?
Live classes are located on Zoom. On demand lessons are found on the Students portal on the website
What qualifications do you have?
I have taught for 20 years. I have a TESL teaching certificate and taught children and adults English in Taiwan and Colombia.
I have been teaching Spanish for 9 years in Alberta.
My teaching style is fun, friendly, encouraging and conversational.
When will I be fluent?
I like to let people know that I lived in Colombia and I was fluent after about a year and a bit. That was accomplished by being fully immersed in it everyday. Our classes are for one hour a week and so it is up to you to take what they learn and spend time practicing. The more you practice the faster it will be! I suggest listening to Spanish on the radio, YouTube, or podcasts, or downloading your favorite style of music in Spanish.
What happens if I miss a class?
At Hola Hola, we strive to be accommodating. Thats why I have created the Students Lounge where you can go to get caught up on everything you will need. The recordings of the lessons are put here, along with the homework.
What is the refund policy?
Once the program has been purchased there are no refunds after 24 hours. Special circumstances will be evaluated on an individual level.